1840 Marine View Drive, Tacoma WA  98422

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Material Handling Equipment

(19) Bridge Cranes up to 40,000 Lb. Capacity

 (10)  Fork Lifts up to 15,000 Lb. Capacity

 (1)  Heavy Fork Lift - 33,000 Lb. Capacity

 (1)  Heavy Fork Lift - 36,000 Lb. Capacity

 (1)  Heavy Fork Lift - 45,000 Lb. Capacity

 (1)  Heavy Fork Lift - 60,000 Lb. Capacity

 (1)  Boom Truck - 22,500 Lb. Capacity

 (4)  100 Ton Beam & Dolly Transporters


Fabrication Shop Equipment


(13) Lincoln Power Wave 455M (Alum) with Power Feed 25M Feeders

(38) Lincoln DC 600 with LN 7 wire feeders

(3)   Lincoln DC 600 with LN 8 wire feeders

(4)   Lincoln DC 600 with LN 9 wire feeders

(2)   Lincoln DC 600 with LN 72 wire feeders

(1)   Lincoln DC 600 with LN 74 wire feeders

(1)   Automatic Build-up Beam Welder with 2 Lincoln DC 1000 power  

       sources and 2 SAW heads.  The maximum capacity is 8 feet tall web

       and a 24" wide flange to 40,000 lbs.

(1)   Ogden Dart Automatic Twin SAW welder mounted on a 90 foot track

       with two Power Wave 1000c/10A controllers

(1)   Lincoln Cruise Tractors with a Lincoln Power Wave 1000 power source

(2)   LT 7 Lincoln SAW Tractors with a Lincoln DC 1000 power source

(2)   BUG-O Doodle Bug Automatic Stiffener Welders with two Lincoln DC

       1000 power sources

(1)   TIG - Miller 300 Syncro Wave

(4)   TIG - Miller 350 Syncro Wave



     Vibratory Stress Relief Equipment

(2) Stress Relief Engineering "Formula 62" and Bonal-Meta-Lax

(1) Positioners up to 20 Tons

(1) Press Brake - 12' x 250 Ton

(1) Plate Shear - 12' x 1/2" capacity

(1) Ironworker - 38 Ton

(1) Ironworker - Mubea HW 1000

(1) Hydraulic Punches - Whitney 50 & 70 Ton

(1) Handrail Bender - Wallace Coast Model HRB

(1) Vertical Press - 350 Ton and 300 Ton in Shop 4

(1) Plate Rolls - 5' x 1/4" capacity

(2) Horizontal Bandsaws - to 16" capacity

(1) 24" Cutoff Saw

(1) Drill Unit with positioner

(1) Wallace Coast Saddle & Hole Cutter with FANUC Robotics & Hypertherm

     1650 Plasma Cutter, or Oxy, Chemtherm Torch Head

(1) Vertical Kalamazoo 18" Bandsaw


Machine Shop Equipment


Cincinnati Milacron 15HC-2500-60 Tool - Twin B Axis - 100" x 24" x 28"

Bridgeport CNC Series II Interact 4

(2) Bridgeport Type I Mills

Burgmaster CNC Vertical Machine Center 20" x 40"

Butler Planer Mill - 30 HP 5' x 5 'x 24'

Cincinnati #4 Knee Mill

Cincinnati CNC Horizontal Profiler 170" x 48"

Cincinnati Milacron Traveling Column Vertical Machine Center 7' x 25'

G&L 3" HBM - 2' x 3' Travel

G&L 4" HBM - 3' x 4' Travel

G&L 5" HBM - 4' x 6' Travel

G&L 5" HBM CNC - 80" x 70"

Hurco VMX 42 CNC 42" x 24"  24 Tool Station

Hurco VMX 64 CNC 64" x 34"  32 Tool Station

Pond - Planer Mill 192" x 24"

Track CNC Vertical Mill 20" x 30"

Toshiba-Shibaura 5" CNC-HBM 96" x 240"

Sellers open-sided Planer Mill - 10' x 8' x 40'


Bullard VTL - 54" Dia. x 48"

Bridgeport 16" Dia. x 96"

Jet 16" x 60"

Mori Seki NL 2500 CNC 12 Station High Speed Turning Center 20" x 52"

VDF 27 - 27" x 118"


American Hole Wizard 17" x 72"

Cincinnati 15" x 60"

Fosdick 19" x 96"


Blanchard 42" Rotary Style Surface Grinder


Pratt and Whitney with Index Table